Hi, My name is Yennam Koushik Reddy. I am a passionate developer with expertise in web development and software engineering. I love building interactive and scalable applications.
Currently, I am deepening my knowledge in other areas such as Machine Learning (ML), Blockchain, and Cybersecurity. This enables me to work on projects that require strong expertise across multiple domains, from software development to securing applications and deploying intelligent systems.
Date of Birth: December 14, 2004
Place: Hyderabad, Telangana
Country: India
Tech Stack: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, CSS
Nutrient-rich meal planner with secure authentication, BMI calculator, and API-integrated recipe data.
Tech Stack: React, Material-UI, Node.js, Web Vitals, ZegoCloud
Seamless video and chat integration platform for 1000+ users with screen sharing and performance tracking.
Tech Stack: MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js)
Real estate management website featuring property listings, user roles, advertisements, and payment systems.
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